Friday, June 06, 2008

I Hate Hospitals

So this week has been a very unfun week for me.

Last Friday, was the last day of classes and the due date of all 4 of my final assignments. -lucky me.
But I'd finished them all, and handed them in. I was even moderately happy with them. lol.

Then as soon as its all done, I develope a cold. I argue that my body was fighting it off for me so that I could finish my assignments, then once I relaxed, my immune system gave in.
So I was poorly - odd word to use, but it fits..., all weekend. I didn't even get any real time to rest. I worked a few hours on saturday, only 3 so I was fine, but it didn't do my cold any good. Then Sunday I went over to chaddy with mum. I didn't get much, a pair of comfy shoes for work...they look like nurse shoes..which is probably what I should have been wearing all along anyways. I also got 3 more seasons of ER to watchover my break.

Monday I had to get up REALLY early to go to the hospital for my tests. Mum came with me and we went in on the train, and got there a bit before 8:30am, which was whem my first appointment was. It was a blood test, which I was supposed to fast for. So I hadn't eaten a thing since about 11 O'clock the night before.
They had one look at my veins and decided to wait till my CT to take my blood to spare my veins the needles which they can't really take. -my god how am I going to be when I'm 50?!

So since we had some time to kill before my CT at 9:45 which I was also supposed to fast for, we walked over to the gardens and stood in the only spot of sunshine we could find. It was also FREEZING this week, especially the 2 days I was in the city.
We headed back up and they managed to fit my ultrasound in early (instead of waiting till 12 noon), so I went and did that, which was all good.
Then they took me over to get changed for my CT. I hate having to wear hospital gowns...moreso cause changing takes forever. I had my needle put in, I was all fine, a perfect patient. Then she took my blood and left hte needle in my I couldn't bend my arm, but there was no real pain.
I had to sit around waiting for a while longer with mum....when all of a sudden, I felt really sick and apparently.......

Now can I just say, the last place I wish I had fainted was in a hospital!
They came rushing over to me, and made me get on a trolly. I had to stay there till they decided I was well enough to get my CT..which was about 5 minutes or so.
-I always feel pretty good after I have fainted. Which we worked out was the not eating or drinking for a long period of time. Once they took out my blood it triggered it. It sorta happened once before a long time ago.
I also had a temperature apparently.

SO anyways...they did my CTs, but then made me stay in the trolly bay till they could reach the doc to let me go. Gees. People way to overreact. lol
They arranged to get me some food and drink. FINALLY! and I bounced right back, I was sitting up, cheery, happy....annoyed cause I wanted to go home.
My temp even dropped a bit.

So I finally got to leave the hospital at 10 to I still ended up leaving before I should have. But then I had to go see my GP. She put me (and my mum) on antibiotics and ordered me to have a chest x-ray cause they thought I had pnumonia.
Docs always overreact.

Either way the drugs seem to have helped a little.

I might not go into what happened when I went back on Tuesday in this post....It could go for a did the day. lol


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a Day!
You can always expect the unexpected when it comes to a trip to the hospital. I tend to be a fainter as well. Next time I head in I am trying out this emla cream. It numbs the skin so at least you can’t feel pain. The site is You should enter your hospital adventure into the video contest. The prizes are quite good.