Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Birthday Weekend

So I had a great birthday weekend. It started on Saturday with a shopping trip with Jacinta...we were planning on shopping at Chadstone, but the car park was SO crazy that it wasn't worth it, and we headed to Camberwell instead. I bought myself a pressie of cds from JB and Christmas lights from Target. After we had finished our spending, we sheltered from the never ending rain/storm that was going ALL day, at my house with assorted episodes of Saturday Night Live.

Sunday, Mum and I went out for Brunch in Mailing Road in Canterbury. Then to Camberwell again for more shopping, followed by a relaxing evening...I was exhausted by the late afternoon!

Monday was the big day, my actual birthday. Work put on a big spread, of morning tea, plus they decorated my desk with banners and balloon in bright shiny colors! The morning tea was nuts! Two tables full of food, and they sang and made me blow out candles. It was fun. -Its nice that they get really excited about birthdays.
After work I met up with Ness and Brett and after some food and yummy milkshakes from The Pancake Parlour, we went to see Moneyball. It was really good. Not for everyone, but I definitely could appreciate it.

Over all it was a good birthday. Everyone wished me well and I got some good pressies, and I had fun, who can ask for more than that?! far 26 is better than 25. lol.


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