So this year (as it does every year) , my birthday is surrounded by other events and gatherings. One of my group gatherings we had on the weekend. The usual 5 (they know who they are) go together for dinner, and drinking, and the usual shenanigans.
It was pouring with rain, so going to dinner we got hair went curly-ish. My shoes were not weather appropriate, and got dampish. We went to the Langwarrin Hotel, which was nice and different. The food was pretty good. It was pretty busy too.
After dinner we did drinks, chatter, party food back at Ness'. It was fun...people got attacked, by human, as well as canine. The TV and computer stayed off. I have no idea what we talked about...But everyone seemed to be having fun....or was extra hyped up and/or tipsy. I was drinking Grasshoppers -yummy but strong. After a couple of those I went back to lemonade and vodka. -It doesn't take much for me to get tipsy, I'm not sure if it's cause I'm small, or cause I don't drink that often....but its fun either way.
We stayed up really late...which we hadn't done in a while. It was nice.
Thanks guys for coming out and celebrating turning 24 with me. Thanks for my I face the awful task of picking which to watch first. :P
So that was the start of birthday week, more events to come.
Oh...and the rain never did stop.....well it did sorta stop yesterday...but not till the afternoon.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Apparently....I Have Fans!
So it's become clear to me that there a few more people reading this blog than I had thought....So to all of you - Hello, Welcome, and pull up a virtual chair!
Tonight I went out to dinner with my ole friend Jacinta...who I hadn't seen in ages...because, well, mostly I'm slack, and have had a lot of assignments taking up my free time, plus limited money. I ate WAY too much...but what's the fun in going out if you're not gonna finish everything...and there was cake. GOOD cake!
The heat has given me some pretty weird dreams the last two totally epic stories...I have had to change my habits in the hopes that the dreams won't result in a hatrick of content....its starting to get weird!
Otherwise, I'm watching a lot of TV, got some movies today, good ones. Although Pete's Dragon was terrible...even for a disney movie...which is kinda scary seeing as how big the cast were!
I'm also looking for jobs, trying to figure out what sort of field I want to start heading towards...not easy. I've also gotta refine my resume, which is taking longer than I would have thought, I for some reason have multiple copies/versions. Not helpful.
Anyhoo, I should probably head to bed. I'm kinda beat! I blame A) the food, and B) the fact I've taken to getting up around 9am everyday, even when I perhaps needed to sleep in a little longer.
At least there has been a bit of cool change tonight, which is lovely! Hopefully I'll actually get to sleep tonight! (touch wood)
Tonight I went out to dinner with my ole friend Jacinta...who I hadn't seen in ages...because, well, mostly I'm slack, and have had a lot of assignments taking up my free time, plus limited money. I ate WAY too much...but what's the fun in going out if you're not gonna finish everything...and there was cake. GOOD cake!
The heat has given me some pretty weird dreams the last two totally epic stories...I have had to change my habits in the hopes that the dreams won't result in a hatrick of content....its starting to get weird!
Otherwise, I'm watching a lot of TV, got some movies today, good ones. Although Pete's Dragon was terrible...even for a disney movie...which is kinda scary seeing as how big the cast were!
I'm also looking for jobs, trying to figure out what sort of field I want to start heading towards...not easy. I've also gotta refine my resume, which is taking longer than I would have thought, I for some reason have multiple copies/versions. Not helpful.
Anyhoo, I should probably head to bed. I'm kinda beat! I blame A) the food, and B) the fact I've taken to getting up around 9am everyday, even when I perhaps needed to sleep in a little longer.
At least there has been a bit of cool change tonight, which is lovely! Hopefully I'll actually get to sleep tonight! (touch wood)
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Melting!!!!!!!!......I'm Melting!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Okay it is hot. Been hot for a few days now, and its starting to get to me. I was fine yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that...but today it has given me a major headache!
This past week has also been pretty big for me. I had my last class for uni on Friday...felt a little weird, and a little sad. And then yesterday I handed in my very last essay. -Which I had also been working on for the past week.
Its been 3 years of uni and uni assignments, plus the 2 years of tafe on top of that. Its odd to not be going back....which hopefully I won't be, assuming I pass everything.
I still have one last assignement due next friday, a remix project. But that shouldn't be too hard, and I've started on that one..sorta.
I also need to start looking for real jobs. However in the meantime I am catching up on my dvd watchage. -Today I watched Sunshine Cleaning, and The Secret Life of Bees. Both excellent movies.
Gonna go back and get some weeklys in the next few days.
Not a lot else to report....its too hot for my mind to work properly
This past week has also been pretty big for me. I had my last class for uni on Friday...felt a little weird, and a little sad. And then yesterday I handed in my very last essay. -Which I had also been working on for the past week.
Its been 3 years of uni and uni assignments, plus the 2 years of tafe on top of that. Its odd to not be going back....which hopefully I won't be, assuming I pass everything.
I still have one last assignement due next friday, a remix project. But that shouldn't be too hard, and I've started on that one..sorta.
I also need to start looking for real jobs. However in the meantime I am catching up on my dvd watchage. -Today I watched Sunshine Cleaning, and The Secret Life of Bees. Both excellent movies.
Gonna go back and get some weeklys in the next few days.
Not a lot else to report....its too hot for my mind to work properly
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Sydney Trip Part 2
Day 2 Wednesday, D –day (Wicked day)
So welcome back to the Sydney saga. Let us continue our tale where we left off, the start of day 2.
After the lovely food, we walked around the Quay to the jet boat thing, which was our morning activity. We were made to put on these red poncho-type things which made me look like a 6 year old dressed as a Lobster. –I’m calling them Aqua-Snuggies, they had hoods and everything.
The jet boat goes really fast and then stops suddenly, and/or spins so you get thrown around and soaked with sea water. We were in the 2nd row of the boat, so we got constantly splashed with water (which was the idea anyways). I was soaked from at least the waist up, which was slightly uncomfortable the rest of the day. My hair was waterlogged…what made me think it was a good idea to wash my hair I will never know! :P
It was a lot of fun, however had bad results on some. We attempted to dry off the in sun, relaxing in the botanic gardens. It was somewhat successful. Once we had regained our land-legs, we headed back along Pitt Street stopping at various shops along the way, including a very cool book shop. We decided to get Frappechinos from Starbucks (which we got a size upgrade since we had Wicked tickets, from the one next to our hotel) and spent about an hour sitting in the park across from the stage door with our ipods and books.
Then it was time to go get ready for our evening, which involved showering in order to wash our hair and get all the salt that had covered our skin off.
After the show we RACED…like the wind….around to the stage door, where we waited…and waited… and waited. –Oddly enough we were practically the only people waiting…which while good for us, was somewhat sad. Finally Lucy came out and she was most lovely, and signed our programs (personally) and chatted to us for a while, or at least what felt like a while. –She seemed very open to our ‘Glinda should tap’ idea. Then she took a picture with me and Ness before she left.
The next day, our last day, we got up around 8am again, and went to the buffet breakfast at the hotel. They had really good French toast! We were in the process of packing up, when Virgin Blue called and asked if we willing to take either an earlier or later flight. –Which we were fine with. So we packed up all our stuff, got myself another Mocha Java Chip frappe from Starbucks, and said goodbye to the theatre and the Wicked district of Sydney, before catching the train back to the airport, doing a little shopping, got a snack and got onto the plane (we took the earlier one). Ness and I sat on one side of the aisle and Brett across from us on the other side. Ness and I spent the flight watching videos on her ipod…a most excellent way of passing the time. Before we knew it, we were back in Melbourne, picking up or luggage, back in Brett’s car and back at his place.
So welcome back to the Sydney saga. Let us continue our tale where we left off, the start of day 2.
We got up around 8am, a nice time, not too early, not too late. Pretty much headed off for our morning activity, after showering and washing our hair (stupid, stupid, stupid). It was really hot (for us) on Wednesday, especially in the sun.
We walked all the way down George Street to Circular Quay. We had a nice breakfast at a semi-Superman themed restaurant. –We didn’t even know that till we got inside!
The jet boat goes really fast and then stops suddenly, and/or spins so you get thrown around and soaked with sea water. We were in the 2nd row of the boat, so we got constantly splashed with water (which was the idea anyways). I was soaked from at least the waist up, which was slightly uncomfortable the rest of the day. My hair was waterlogged…what made me think it was a good idea to wash my hair I will never know! :P
It was a lot of fun, however had bad results on some. We attempted to dry off the in sun, relaxing in the botanic gardens. It was somewhat successful. Once we had regained our land-legs, we headed back along Pitt Street stopping at various shops along the way, including a very cool book shop. We decided to get Frappechinos from Starbucks (which we got a size upgrade since we had Wicked tickets, from the one next to our hotel) and spent about an hour sitting in the park across from the stage door with our ipods and books.
Then it was time to go get ready for our evening, which involved showering in order to wash our hair and get all the salt that had covered our skin off.
Once we were all dressed up in our party frocks, ‘cept Brett who did not wear a frock….okay scary mental pictures now…. :P
….we headed next door to a Thai restaurant in the little arcade between our hotel and the theatre. The food was good and then Ness and I headed off to the theatre while Brett met up with his friend Shane. We browsed the merchandise for a while, avoided the stand where the same girl that manned the store in Melbourne was, in case she recognised us.....
We took Ness’ stuff back up before heading back down there to meet Brett and Shane. After bitching about the price increase, some of us got Ozmopolitans…which were NOT in green glasses like we had hoped…before heading in to find our seats. –A new experience, and perspectives for us, on the side, the good side - but it was weird to see everything from a new angle.
We got a new Elphaba (for us, not for the show), Zoe and she was amazing, totally blew us away. The show was awesome (as usual), some new things, some old stuff changed around. We also got to see the new Boq. He was good also. 
-So there you have it. One of ‘Our People’ ticked off the list….sadly for us probably the only one we will get to meet, and also the easiest. –But I will never say never!
Ness and I were estatic and walking on air after that, and started heading off before remembering A) other people, and B) that Brett and Shane were not with us, and wanted to see other people. Zoe came out and we chatted to her and she signed our programs too. She was also very nice. Rob Mills came out and chatted a little while he signed our programs, and then took a picture with me and Ness. Bert came out which made Shane happy and he got his pic taken with him.
So then that was it, and we were high as a kite, giddy as schoolgirls, Ness and I. We couldn’t have stopped grinning like Cheshire cats if we had tried I wager. We took some group photos and said goodbye to Shane and headed back to our hotel room. There was no way we were sleeping for a while, so we sat around talking, and being hyper till about 2am.
A totally worth it trip, which we were NEVER know barring any head injuries, amnesia or alzheimers.....
Big thanks to Shane for taking pics of us talking with Lucy with his iphone! (we had no idea)
Thanks to Ness and Brett for the other pics :) (and of course Lucy and Rob)
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