I’ve had birthdays on the brain lately, and I was looking at a bunch of old birthday cards today and thought I’d share a few of the messages that made me laugh, or just seemed silly.
“Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee” – from the front of a card given to me by Ness
“This is where I would normally quote something for you, but there are plenty in the present” – from same birthday card, written by Ness
“I posilootly and absoltively wish you a fantastic birthday and party” – from another b’day card from Ness
“God we’re getting so old now! We’ll have to start acting like grown-ups” – from a 22nd birthday card from Jacinta
“Congratulations on becoming an actual adult. Remember it doesn’t mean you have to be a grown up” – from a 21st birthday card from Laura
…..well now I’m confused…21 year olds don’t need to be grown ups, but 22 year olds do?
“I bought this card because it reminded me of the stars you used to draw in everyone’s diaries, usually net to special TV events or birthdays. I’m so amazed that we have known each other for 5 years. I’ve seen you change in many ways since then, but you still remain a slightly insane, funny and great person to be friends with.” – Bec P from a 21st card.
“…I look forward to many more weird and wacky adventures in the future.” Brett from a 21st card.
Some old made up words I’d forgotten about.
Some people I haven’t seen in a long time, and haven’t talked to in just as long. –kinda sad that we both stopped trying to maintain the friendship.
Makes me think about how I have changed as a person over the last few years. I was a very different person in high school I think. In the years when I knew some of these people, I was on my way to discovering my sense of self…..but I was a lot crazier, I was a lot more naïve about things, and had very little self confidence.
In the years since high school, I have grown a lot a lot!!! I figured out a career direction – even if it still isn’t set in stone yet, but I have a direction and that’s good enough.
I have braved meeting people online and meeting them offline. I have stuck with these friendships. I have maintained a self confidence I never had before. I am no longer afraid of saying things or expressing my opinion because I feel intimidated by my own friends.
I gained the confidence, and the NEED to get my drivers license. - and now am a pretty confident driver!
I no longer let myself get treated like the little kid, or naïve one of the group – like I have in past friendships.
I act more responsible, and have learned things about the world, and care about things more.
I guess its just funny how you don't notice that you've changed, time just goes on. Heck, I've only got 1 more semester of uni after this.....when did that happen?!
I suppose we just do grow and change as time goes on, and its only when you look back at things that are pretty old, that you really think about how much things have changed.
Lets just look at things this way....I'm a much happier person than I was 5-6 years ago. Bring on the next 5-6. :)