RENT Movie soundtrack - I'm obsessed with the film version of RENT (the only version I've ever seen). Since I'm currently banning myself from listening to the OBC recording of Wicked, I need another musical fix.....what I'll listen to when I ban myself from RENT I have no idea. I don't know why they would even make a selections soundtrack...I love all the songs and it wouldn't be right only having half of them.
Sony 2GB Micro Vault Flashdrive - With the extinction of floppy disks and later versions. I'm so glad that they finally made decent sized USB drives. Back near the start of the year I bought a new USB, my old one didn't hold much content and with my YouTube obession (particularly saving vids) I needed something that could move more stuff between my laptop and the family PC. I love my sony usb not only cause I can put at least 5 eps of tv on it (no more burning rewritable dvds just to watch 1 ep of something) and put a whole load of other media on there and it compresses it to make more space. Plus they're very cheap for what they do, and seem to be made to hold more, while also getting cheaper.
Starbucks Cafe Mocha - Keeps me going through my days at Uni. My mum bought me a Starbucks card for Christmas, which I went through rather quickly. Instead of buying food during my 2-2.5 hour breaks at Uni, I just get a Tall Mocha which keeps my stomach from whinging, and saves me a bit of money, cause with an 8:30 Friday morning start, by midday my mind is so dead I need coffee to wake me up. - what would I do without! Since I have WAY too many different shows and movies that I watch...I of course start to recognise people and then have to wonder where I know them from. IMDB is my saviour....
Its also got plenty of news and updates on what certain people are up to, which is mighty handy.
Pushing Daisies - I admit it, I'm totally addicted to Pushing Daisies. For some unknown reason in all the drama over the last year with tv shows, I'd forgotten about checking it out. Finally in July I got around to seeing all the eps and have now watched them multiple times. Its just so entertaining and different from anything else. Its musical, a little scary, silly, hilarious, and totally crazy all at the same time. Can't wait for October to bring around season 2!
Smiggle Mini Stapler, Staples and Highlighter set - I love Smiggle stuff, it's handy, compact, colorful and easy to take with you. I find this mini stapler very handy to take to uni if I need to hand in assignments and I haven't stapled it together yet. Plus I love jazzing it up a little with pink metallic staples. I am a big supporter of the color pink.
Yes, it's very annoying that the only version of the RENT movie soundtrack in the shops here is the 'selections'.
I got the 2CD RENT soundtrack off Ebay... took weeks to arrive from the US but it was SO worth it.
Okay I have a smiggle mini stapler
how do you get it so that it actually staples things?
Because this is ridiculous! aha
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