So my 10 month run working for Monash Council ended yesterday. In some ways it was a good thing, and it some a bad. I'll miss the money, the fact that I had an easy drive against traffic, and late starts. I will miss the people, especially those I was working with before I changed departments because worked so closely together, and for so long.
But I'm looking forward to a change, with new challenges. I need a chance to grow and develop my skills, which I haven't been able to do lately. So that will be good.
It does suck to have to start looking again, and to have to interview again. I hate interviewing. Guess I better get a kick ass interview outfit.
As for my last day, I thought it would be really hard to leave, but I was okay in the end. I think I was more upset when I finished up in my original job, because I really liked it there and wasn't ready to leave. But I think I got all I could out of this 2nd job, which was longer than it was going to be I guess that's a plus.
The girls put on a party for me (and the other girl that was leaving as well) and even gave me a box of chocolates.
I thought it would be hard to say goodbye to the girls at my old department, but it wasn't too bad. I had a nice to chat to the girls I used to work with, and said goodbye to the others.
We'll see how I feel at the end of next week, when I haven't had any early mornings. I know I'll miss working after a little while, but for now I'm going to enjoy having a break.
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