Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Musical Weekends

Been so busy lately, there has been no time for blogging!

Thursday night I went to see the new production of Annie with Mum and Vanessa. I saw it years ago when they did it with Anthony Warlow and Amanda Muggleton. This time Anthony was back as Daddy Warbucks, with Nancye Hayes as Miss Hannigan.

It was a good show. The little girls were cute. The girl that played Annie was good, but you could tell she was nervous and not a pro, but that might change with time.

The funniest thing of the night was that Bert and Patty Newton sat down right in front of us....I couldn't stop laughing at the irony...Wicked's theatre, with the guy we hate in it...but the people lining up for pics and stuff was cute - lots of little girls.

Sunday I was back in the city -after a long detour due to traffic and road blocks- to see Moonshadow the Cat Stevens musical with Ness. It was very pretty, the music was pretty good and the cast was great! Marnie from Hairspray, Rodney from Wicked, and Blake who won the rob guest endowment last year were all fantastic! But I'm still not sure if I actually liked it or not...the story was lacking something. But I definitely didn't hate it.
It was still previews, so maybe they will make some changes for the good.
Not sure if I'll see it again...time will tell.

Looking forward to the many musicals coming up in the months ahead!


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