Wednesday, June 13, 2007

12 of 12 June 2007

So I finally remembered to take the pics! And for once I did a lot of stuff on the 12th. lol.

This time I spend the day in the city with my friend.

1 of 12 - 12:22am
This is just before I turned off the light to go to sleep...though I don't think I got to sleep till after 1am.

2 of 12 - 10:10am
Walking down my street on my way to the station to catch a train to the city.

3 of 12 - 10:55am
Going up the escalators at Melbourne Central to meet my friend Jacinta. -This the view up the spire. The shopping centre is built around an old tower.

4 of 12 - 12:02pm
The 'Hoyts' sign. Going to see Shrek the Third. -I always giggle at 'Hoyts'.

5 of 12 - 2:19pm
Walking down Swanson Street, my friend Jacinta jumped in the pic. -Look a tram! :P

6 of 12 - 2:19pm
Right across from Melbourne Central is the State Library. -When I was little it used to be the Melbourne Museum.

7 of 12 - 3:35pm
With the shopping done for the day, I'm exhausted and I need a pick me up, a Mocha from Starbucks (using my coffee name 'Claire').

8 of 12 - 3:49pm
Waiting with Jacinta on her train, before jumping off to catch mine.

9 of 12 - 4:48pm
Almost home!

10 of 12 - 7:01pm
The days spoils! Some new music to listen to/sing along with, and 2 new books to read. -I'm very into the classics these days.

11 of 12 - 7:35pm
Working on my scrapbook....from my trip to the US in Jan 2003.....It's a very slow process. I took these pics in Seattle.

12 0f 12 - 9:10pm
Relaxing after a long day in front of the telly, watching one of my fave shows(...and one of the few that are coming back next year) NCIS, Abby rocks!

Bonus Pic - 11:38pm
I couldn't think of much for 'Secret', so I pulled out my diaries. These 3 cover the last 10 to 12 years.


Dogeared said...

I love that photo in Melbourne Central, looking up the spire!

And Hoyts - makes me think of Joey in "Friends", where he says he imagines Monica with a swimmer, called Hoyt, with a boy and girl!

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you had a fun day. How I miss uni holidays...

Paige said...

I agree with dogeared - the photo of the spire is fantastic.
I am working on my takes me forever! I think maybe I am too picky.
I completely agree about Abby - she is awesome. I love that show, but I have to watch it on DVD because we don't have American television here in Spain.
Great 12 of 12!
~ CC

Zippy said...

The photo of the spire rocks! Wow!

My big goal is to scrapbook all my photos....hahahahahahaha!!! And pigs will fly, too!
