Friday, April 12, 2013

12 of 12 April

Well its been years, yes years since I've done this. I kinda forgot how to do it. I forgot how hard it is to find things worth taking pics of. But gotta say, its easier with an iPhone!

I know its not done on the level that was started by Chad Darnell back in the day, but after looking at some old blog posts last weekend, I thought I'd give it a shot again. Because its nice to stop and record a few moments in 1 day.

So here we go - 12 of 12 April 2013.

1. 8:26am - Hooray for Fridays, and sunny skies over St Kilda/Balaclava.

2. 8:27am - Do they have a permit for that? Occupational hazard...but hurry up and finish the footpath!

 3. 1:11pm - Kylie and I were naughty and got Urban Burger for lunch. Never had it before, it was actually quite nice. We had a picnic at her desk...its cleaner than mine!

4.  4:21pm - From the moment I finished lunch, I was go go go at work...and suddenly it was almost over!

5. 5:43pm - Finally home, Autumn is here and daylight savings is over. I hate getting home as its getting dark. 

 6. 5:45pm - Yay my new boots arrived today!

7. 5:49pm - Finding tonight's TV shows. Not much on this week.

8. 5:58pm - Boots are out of the box and made for walking!

9. 6:04pm - Mum has transformed an empty garden bed at the back deck into a nice paved path towards the clothesline. I like it!

 10. 7:47pm - Watching Glee...seriously, she's singing to a cat!

 11. 8:05pm - Okay Glee took a serious turn, and got really sad and serious. Nice work Glee writers! Wow....just wow.

12. 11:49pm - I'm beat and ready for bed. Its so chilly at night now, its new winter pjs time!

 Well I did it. I managed to find 12 things to photograph today. But now I'm exhausted and its time for bed. Hopefully I'll remember to do it again next month!


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