Wednesday, November 26, 2008

TV Turnover

So as anyone who knows me knows...I became very obsessed with a little show called Pushing Daisies this year. And if you know that, you also know that it has now been cancelled.
It was expected...but still it sucks major doodie! Its such a great amazing show, full of bright shiny colors, the best characters ever (I loved every single main character...which NEVER happens), amazing writing - the dialogue just flows and makes you smile, infact the whole show did that!
So I'm very sad about it not coming back next year...and the fact its supposed to end of a freaking cliffhanger!

So now I've decided that I'm only going to watch old I know eventually I'll run out..but at least I don't get crushed by it getting cancelled. I know what I'm getting myself into. -Its safe.

Recently me and Ness started watching The West Wing (after talking about it for ages)...had always known the show and the people on it...but never really got to watch it, or wanted to...besides it was one of those shows that never stayed in the one timeslot for very long.
After the pilot..I liked it...after a few more eps, I was into it....after a few more I was HOOKED! While I don't understand most of it...its a fantastic show, with great writing and the actors/characters rock!

You know I think seeing as it only came out here in 2000....I probably was too young for the show at the time..and am glad I'm watching it now. I have a better understanding of US politics...especially after the election stuff going on in the last year. And while I've always had a few 'grown up' shows, I don't think I could have appreciated the West Wing back then.
I think I might have to get the dvd box set....if only to watch CJ fall into the pool...and Donna and Josh ramble.

I'm getting a little worried about the current state of television. With Daisies gone and ER ending at the end of this season...I'm running out of shows to watch. Sure I'll watch Lost, but even that only has 2 more seasons left. And I'll probably keep watching NCIS(which I like but only watch when I've run out of other new eps), Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and Brothers and Sisters...I think I've given up on Heroes, Desperate Housewives (although my sis watches it, so I'll probably see it when its on regular aussie tv), Samantha Who, Dirty Sexy Money...I can't think of any other shows I watch at the moment. I'll also probably not give any new shows a look either.

Maybe I'll get into Scrubs...thats a show I know, but have never really watched.
Maybe I'll just go down to blockbuster and rent any show that looks interesting. That or I'll just keep watching my dvds over and over...and over and over again.

TV sucks! They better give Kristin an award though...I still can't believe that Jean Smart beat her for the Emmy....seriously?!


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

And finally a good one!

Another update to my being short..good/bad list.
-Short people are no good as a human shield!..hopefully I will never find myself in that situation.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


so I came up with a couple more things that suck about being short.

1. Often the sensor on automatic doors can't see you stand there looking like an idiot when they don't open! Kinda embarrassing.

2. you can't reach the pull cord on trams..thank goodness they installed buttons. -Also if you're stuck in the middle of a really packed have nothing to hold onto...and are below everyones shoulders so no one knows you're there!

This is all for now....I'm sure there will be more to come.


Thursday, November 06, 2008

Being Vertically Challenged: The Good, The Bad, and the inbetween

So I was super dooper alleyooper bored today at uni, and started thinking about a few things that are actually kinda good about being so short.
I'll start by mentioning that I am current 153 or 4 centermeteres tall...I haven't quite worked out exactly what I am. This equates to about 5"1...So yes I'm taller than Kristin ( you didn't know), but she's totally proportioned...and has HUGE/Gigantic talent! are 5 things that are actually GOOD about being short.
1 - It's fairly easy to weave in and out/through of crowds of people
2 - you never have to worry about ceiling height
3 - even a modest sized Christmas tree looks decent sized next to you
4 - you need less legroom on trains, planes and automobiles
5 - People do underestimate you, which definately has its pluses.

And 5 BAD Things
1 - I can never SEE over the crowds if its an audience!
2 - It's impossible to reach anything high up if you live with taller people who put your stuff specifically up on the top shelf.
3 - Everything (I mean pants, and occaisionally dresses and skirts) have to be taken up. Luckily for me, I've become quite good at doing most of it myself.
4 - I tend to get either beaten up by surf or blown away wind...also its really hard to go very far out into the ocean and still touch the sand
5 - you tend to live your life on tippytoes. Whether its at work, or stores, or anywhere else with counters.

And a few things that I couldn't decide if they were good or bad.
1 - People automatically think you're younger than you are if you are short. Which I so don't get. But I guess in the long run its a definate plus, and its way too much effort to make oneself look older...and why bother?!
2 - customers never know I'm at a register at work unless I have a line...which is good cause sometimes I get a break/breather, but annoying cause after awhile one gets bored.

-Okay so I was reaching a little....particularly with the good things, but is actually a lot harder to think of good things than I thought it would be.

I end this rant here.
