Wednesday, June 13, 2007

12 of 12 June 2007

So I finally remembered to take the pics! And for once I did a lot of stuff on the 12th. lol.

This time I spend the day in the city with my friend.

1 of 12 - 12:22am
This is just before I turned off the light to go to sleep...though I don't think I got to sleep till after 1am.

2 of 12 - 10:10am
Walking down my street on my way to the station to catch a train to the city.

3 of 12 - 10:55am
Going up the escalators at Melbourne Central to meet my friend Jacinta. -This the view up the spire. The shopping centre is built around an old tower.

4 of 12 - 12:02pm
The 'Hoyts' sign. Going to see Shrek the Third. -I always giggle at 'Hoyts'.

5 of 12 - 2:19pm
Walking down Swanson Street, my friend Jacinta jumped in the pic. -Look a tram! :P

6 of 12 - 2:19pm
Right across from Melbourne Central is the State Library. -When I was little it used to be the Melbourne Museum.

7 of 12 - 3:35pm
With the shopping done for the day, I'm exhausted and I need a pick me up, a Mocha from Starbucks (using my coffee name 'Claire').

8 of 12 - 3:49pm
Waiting with Jacinta on her train, before jumping off to catch mine.

9 of 12 - 4:48pm
Almost home!

10 of 12 - 7:01pm
The days spoils! Some new music to listen to/sing along with, and 2 new books to read. -I'm very into the classics these days.

11 of 12 - 7:35pm
Working on my scrapbook....from my trip to the US in Jan 2003.....It's a very slow process. I took these pics in Seattle.

12 0f 12 - 9:10pm
Relaxing after a long day in front of the telly, watching one of my fave shows(...and one of the few that are coming back next year) NCIS, Abby rocks!

Bonus Pic - 11:38pm
I couldn't think of much for 'Secret', so I pulled out my diaries. These 3 cover the last 10 to 12 years.

Sunday, June 03, 2007


So all weekend my sister and her friend Charlotte have been filming this little movie/episode of this show they made up with their stuffed toys. They went through almost 2 cameratapes and spent ages working on it.

Tonight my sister wanted us to watch it, so while we were trying to find the right spot on the tape, we came across something that Nikki and I had filmed a few years ago. And in it was Toffee, our precious baby kitty who died last October, and I have been trying to get over it for ages now. And in the video he was very new, we must have had him for a few weeks or something, his eyes were still blue and he was tiny. I haven't really looked at photos since he died, and tried to not think about him too much, cause it hurt. And watching this video really brought me to tears. I really really really miss that little guy. Seeing him on the tape brought back all the memories off him, and just how much I loved him, which I had been surpressing.

Rest in Peace Toffee. I miss you so much!
