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9am - Christmas catalog browsing over breakfast.
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7:50am - Off to work in my semi new snazzy car. Loving the powerful air con on a warm day like today.
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9am - My work Christmas lights...little reindeers!
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9:02am - Little Christmas tree at work.
3:56pm - Chocolate Teddy Bear time.
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8:45pm - My Christmas Tree set up in the living room.
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9pm - Outside Christmas Lights. Adding more each day.
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9:01pm - More Christmas Lights
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9:03pm - Santa on my window.
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9:04pm -Christmas Tree on the porch
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9:05pm - Cute little lit up house, more to come!
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9:30pm - Pan Am time. So sad this show got cancelled. It was romantic, exciting, and full of old timey charm and politics.