Doh! I forgot to take my pics for Chad's 12 of 12 again!
-I blame the fact that I'm on holidays still.
Not only have I forgotten my pics, but I also haven't been writing much here on my blog. I guess my mind is just filled with other things to do.
I've been watching a lot of dvds. I finished Felicity last week. -Loved it, especially seasons 3 and 4....probably cause I hadn't seen any of those eps.
Now I'm onto Brothers and Sisters, which I bought back in December, but I have been waiting to finish Felicity first.
I've also been doing other things. Like playing WAY too much Sims2. I've got an addiction. -Hey I admit it! lol
With the Strike being on, I've been catching up on all my shows. I've only got a few more eps of Las Vegas left (which are fairly recent) to watch.
Hopefully with the Strike being resolved, there will be some new eps of my shows soon. -Especially Heroes and Private Practice which haven't had any new eps since the first week of December.
I've been trying out some new shows. -Some might stick, others will get the boot.
I've also been doing a lot of reading lately. I've been re-reading the Narnia books in order. I've read them all at least twice each, probably 3 times. -I've read the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe way more times than that.
Hopefully I'll get a chance to fit in, To Kill a Mocking Bird. -I aways love to re-read my faves over the summer I can't really afford any new books.
The job thing is not going well. I've got two, 3-hour shifts this week, which are my first shifts in 4 weeks. -I'm NOT happy.
I've sent out my resume to a few places. Hopefully something good will come from it! -I really really really would love to be able to go overseas next summer, or winter (09). I only need a few more thousand for a trip to LA, and perhaps somewhere nearby as well. I'm dying for a trip before I get too tied down with real I'd rather spend money on a trip while I can, than spend it on a car, which for now I can live without.
I hate waiting, I don't believe in waiting for things that are important. I haven't really been anywhere, and I want to see places before they're gone, or I'm gone.
Oh well. Uni starts back soon, I'll be spending money on books, and lunch, and coffee. I'm guessing lots and lots of coffee. hehe.